Creating an API

Having created your frontend using Blade, you may want to set up an API for your module.

To go about creating an API, we follow the Laravel way: add the route to the 'api.php' file in either admin or participant, then create the controller in 'app/Http/Controllers/Api'.


Route::namespace('Api')->group(function() {
    Route::get('/file', 'FileController@index');
    Route::get('/file/{staticpage_file}', 'FileController@show');


    Route::apiResource('file', 'FileController');


class FileController extends Controller {
    public function index() {

    public function show(File $file) {
        return $file;

Route Model Binding

Notice we have used route model binding to load the file requested. Unlike normal, we require that route model bindings are prefixed with the module alias, to limit any conflicts. We could set up the file route model binding as so:


public function boot() {

    Route::model('staticpage_file', BristolSU\Module\StaticPage\Model\File::class);

The above will resolve a file when the key 'staticpage_file' is referenced in a URL. If you want to change the resolution logic too, you can use Route::bind() instead.

Tools you can use in the API will be covered in the backend section.