
One of the main uses of the portal is reducing the reliance on third parties. If each possible third party has its own module, the module can be swapped with any other to provide the same functionality without changing the location or look of the portal.

For this to work, the third parties need their own module. It is highly likely the module will need to use an API to connect to the third party. Each module instance may need to connect to a different account each time it is used, since forms may be stored in different places. In the case of a form platform, user 1 may set up an activity using a form they have created. User 2 also wants to use a form module, but their form resides on their form account. Therefore, we can’t have a single API connection defined in a .env file as normal, rather the credentials have to be manually specified.

Fortunately, the SDK makes this easy for you. it allows you to define how to connect to a third party, and makes sure users are connected before they start using your module. Therefore, as a developer, you never need to worry about authenticating with a third party.

Creating a Third Party Connection

A third party connection is nothing more than a class which extends the BristolSU\Support\Connection\Contracts\Connector class. We call this class a connector, since it allows the SDK and a third party to communicate.

The connector should then implement all abstract functions. These include a request function for making a request, a test function for testing a connection, and a settingsSchema for defining the settings needed by the connector.

Defining Settings

To define settings, you will need to use the normal Form Schema within the settingsSchema function. This may be as simple as needing a text field to take an API token. It may also be a lot more complex, for example in the case of OAuth logins.

For an OAuth login, we recommend creating a custom field which allows connections to be selected, and a login button. The login button will go through the normal oauth flow, and additional routes must be registered to collect the output of this and save the access token securely. Where there is a need to create endpoints to authorize against, you should define the endpoints in the config and have the default set as something like /_connector/my-service.

An example OAuth login can be found in our Typeform Service.

Making a Request

Having defined the settings, your connector needs to be able to make requests. The request client (such as GuzzleHttp) can be accessed in your connectors request method through the $client property. To make a request with no authentication, you could use

public function request($method, $uri, array $options = [])
    return $this->client->request($method, $uri, $options);

You will usually want to add a token or similar to the request. To do this, you should edit the $options array before passing it to the client. To access the value of any settings you defined in the settingsSchema you can use the getSetting() method, which takes the setting key and an optional default. The options array will take the same options as GuzzleHttp does.

public function request($method, $uri, array $options = [])
    $options['base_uri'] = config('typeform_service.base_uri');

    // Merge the headers from options if given.
    $headers = ((isset($options['headers']) && is_array($options['headers']))?$options['headers']:[]);
    $headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer ' . $this->getSetting('api_key');
    $options['headers'] = $headers;
    return $this->client->request($method, $uri, $options);

Testing connectors

To allow users to test their connection, you must also provide a test function. This is allowed to make use of the getSetting method, and should use your request method to make a call and check if it was successful or not. This will often be a /user or /me endpoint, but may be anything your API allows. This method should return true if the connection was made and the connector is ready to use, or false if the credentials were wrong.

Register a Third Party Connection

In order to use your third party connection, you must register it in your service provider. This can be done by calling the registerConnector class, or using the interface directly.

The registerConnector method takes

  • The name of the connector to show to users.

  • A description for the connector.

  • The alias of the connector. This should start with your service alias, and be unique to the connector.

  • The service the connector connects to (e.g. typeform, facebook)

  • The class name of the connector

The alias is the normal unique reference to the connector. Since APIs often have multiple ways to authenticate (e.g. through OAuth and an API key), you may want to accept either as a valid connector. Therefore, your module will just require a connection to, e.g., typeform and not care about the method of connecting, or the exact connector.

In a lot of cases, especially if the API only has one way to connect, you may not have a need for the service alias. It should still be given though, to ensure alternative authentication methods can be added in the future.

You may also use the interface directly. This takes the same arguments as the method.

public function boot() {

    // Using the helper
        'Typeform OAuth (recommended)',
        'Connect to Typeform using the OAuth flow',

    // Manually
    $connectorStore = $this->app->make(\BristolSU\Support\Connection\Contracts\ConnectorStore::class);
        'Typeform API Key',
        'Connect to Typeform using an API Key',

It is common to find connectors in their own packages. In this case, as long as the package has pulled in the SDK, you can use the second method without registering a module to create a new connector. By using a separate package for a connector, you can use the same connector in multiple modules without them relying on one another.

Using a Third Party Connection

Asking for a connection

Having created and registered a way to use a third party connection, or pulled in a package which registers a third party connection, your module needs to let the portal know it wants to use the connector. There are two different types of request here, either a required or optional request. A required request will require the user to log into the third party in order to use your module. The optional request can be used to add additional functionality, such as posting to Facebook if you have logged in.

For either way, you should register the services you want in the $requiredServices and $optionalServices arrays in your service provider. Make sure you ask for the service, not for the connector alias. For example, ask for 'typeform' not 'typeform-api-key'

protected $requiredServices = [
    'typeform', 'google-forms'

protected $optionalServices = [
    'facebook', 'twitter'

You can also request these services manually in your service provider, by using the ServiceRequest class. You should only call each method once, or previous calls will be overridden.

public function boot()
    $serviceRequest = $this->app->make(\BristolSU\Support\Connection\ServiceRequest::class);
    $serviceRequest->required('my-module-alias', ['typeform', 'google-forms']);
    $serviceRequest->optional('my-module-alias', ['facebook', 'twitter']);

Using the connection

Having requested a service, the portal will ensure/ask for a connection to be made before your module is used. To retrieve the service with the connection made, you will need to use the following line

$connector = app(ModuleInstanceServiceRepository::class)->getConnectorForService('typeform', $moduleInstance->id)

This will retrieve the typeform service for the given module instance. If the connection has not been made for any reason, we will throw a \BristolSU\Support\ModuleInstance\Connection\NoConnectionAvailable exception. If you require the connection, you may let this exception bubble through to show the user an error and log the error. If you requested an optional module, you need to be aware that this may happen if the user has not created the connection. In this case, you should catch the exception to handle it gracefully.

function hasFacebookConnection()
    try {
        $connector = app(ModuleInstanceServiceRepository::class)->getConnectorForService('typeform', $moduleInstance->id)
        return true;
    } catch (\BristolSU\Support\ModuleInstance\Connection\NoConnectionAvailable $e) {
        return false;

You may now call the request method on the connector to make an API call, passing a method, url and an array of Guzzle options.

public function index(ModuleInstance $moduleInstance)
    $connector = app(ModuleInstanceServiceRepository::class)->getConnectorForService('typeform', $moduleInstance->id)
    $users = $connector->request('GET', '/users', []);