In the SDK environment, there are two types of Authentication we need to think about. The first is logging into the site and confirming you are who you say you are, and the second is the authentication of a user/group/role from Control. These are inherently disparate ideas, since one user may belong to many groups and roles.
Standard Authentication
To authenticate a user for the playground, we want to allow anyone to sign up and log in. This means removing all restrictions in terms of email verification, whilst keeping the security associated with the default Laravel authentication framework.
To register, we ask the user for a first name, last name, email and
password. By relying on the default authentication structure but
overriding the public function create($data)
method which handles
the creation of a user, we can simply adjust the authentication. We also
need to change the way the user is logged in, to make use of the SDK
authentication rather than the Laravel guards.
For now, we will continue to use the Laravel guards knowing this is what the SDK uses behind the scenes, but this should be changed soon in a future update. To allow this to work, we’ve created a UserProvider for the database user model the SDK uses.
The new create method should first create a data user with the given first and last name, a preferred name made up of the first and last name, and an email address. These are all required by validation, so will all be available.
We then create a control user, which is linked to the new data user. Finally, we create a database user linked to the control user. To bypass the email verification, we set 'email verified' to the current timestamp instantly.
This behaviour will be changed in the future to allow customisation through .env or the UI.
Finally, we hash the password, save the database user and return it to
be handled by the rest of the register function. This function uses the
default Laravel authentication but calls
instead of using the guards.
Finally, a redirect response is returned.
Logging In
Logging in is always done through email (unlike the portal which allows
the behaviour to be changed). This allows us to use most of the default
logging in framework provided by Laravel. However, we have to override
the attemptLogin()
method to allow us to use the SDK authentication.
Again, we will for now continue to use the Laravel guards for development speed. This should be changed in the future.
Forgot Password
Having created a UserProvider for the database user, we can just use the default laravel authentication framework for this controller.
Control Authentication
The portal uses the Authentication contract to set and retrieve the user/group/role combination. In the case of the portal, this is set when you click into an activity, since the user chooses how to enter the activity.
The playground tries to simplify this for the user by automatically logging them in. On the playground, a user shouldn’t care about which group or role they are, just that there is one. Therefore, the authentication contract works as follows.
All setUser/setGroup/setRole methods are not implemented (throw an error)
getUser always returns the user from the databaseuser.
getGroup finds/creates a group the user is a member of, or returns null if the activity is only a user activity
getRole finds/creates a role the user is in, or returns null if the activity is only a user/group activity.
Using this method, we never need to think about logging into a user/group/role. As long as the user is logged into a database user, the authentication contract will always return the correct things.