
To allow for custom integrations to be built, Control is built on a set of interfaces.


There is a repository per model, which allows us to create, retrieve, update and delete any models. These should always be used for any interaction with single Control models or retrieving relationship models when the relationship is a many-to-one, since new implementations can be built and bound to the container, then resolved without changing any code. This means that the portal can handle any integrations if they implement the correct repository contract.


The repositories will often return model implementations, which also extend a specific interface to allow us to control how the data is stored and retrieved. These models implement methods around data storage, i.e. id(), name() etc. They also implement helpful methods to do with retrieving relationships. Of course, this doesn’t sound great as all models should retrieve relationships the same way (using the correct repository). Therefore, for each model, we provide a 'ModelTrait' class to implement the common functionality

Data Models

You will notice that for each of the four core models (group, user, role and position), there is a 'data' version, which holds any identifiable information about the model. This reduces the normal models to linking to the data model, and all identifiable data is kept in the data model. By default, each data model registers a few optional fields which could apply. For example, user defines name, dob and email fields. Group defines a name and description field.

Additional Properties

Of course, you may have a use case where you need another bit of data on the data model, for example we need a student ID in the user model. This is what additional properties are for. Each of the four data models implement 'ImplementsAdditionalProperties', which requires a few methods around adding possible additional properties, and getting/setting the additional properties. By default, using the 'HasAdditionalProperties' trait will implement these methods for an eloquent model.


There are essentially 6 different pivoted relationships. These are controlled by their own repository, allowing us to change, for example, the role and user implementation, but still use the database for connecting the two.


Can use the command to seed fake data